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Site Visit to Catie's Closet

By Kaila Walters

After last week’s rain, the sun was shining for us today as we made our way to Catie’s Closet distribution center in Dracut, MA! As we learned in their grant proposal, this organization’s mission is to “improve students’ school attendance, emotional well-being, grade progression and ultimately, graduation rates by providing in-school access to clothing and basic necessities to students who are homeless, living in poverty or low income.” After two very impressive visits to Programs for People and Rosie’s Place last week, we were all pretty eager to see what this final site visit had in store.

At the door, we were greeted by the organization’s Executive Director, and Catie’s aunt, Mickey Cockrell. As soon as you stepped through the doors, you were shown what Catie’s Closet is really about. Lining every wall in sight were clothes of all colors, patterns, and sizes. It truly was the largest closet I have ever seen. Here, Mickey introduced herself and began the tour of the facility. This warehouse-type setting contained floor-to-ceiling clothes racks filled with shirts on hangers, as well as tall shelves with jeans, khakis, and other types of pants. We walked through countless rooms filled with clothes, coats, hygiene products, and shoes. One thing that I really appreciated about the organization is that they not only provide casual clothing, but they also provide outfits for special events like prom, job interviews, and school uniforms for those who aren’t able to afford them.

Aside from the physical space, I really appreciated the stories and experiences that were shared with us throughout our time at Catie’s Closet. For example, Mickey mentioned a story of a transgender boy who was nervous to tell his parents that he didn’t want to shop in “a certain section of the store” anymore (meaning the side that is marketed towards girls). This was a situation that caused a lot of emotional stress for him, until one day, he started utilizing Catie’s Closet for the clothes that he wanted to wear. Mickey informed us that after that experience, his grades significantly increased. This story not only allowed me to see just how impactful their organization is when it comes to the education of the students they serve, but it also allowed me to see that they appreciate each individual student for who they are, and help them to feel better and more secure about themselves.

As Mickey mentioned during the visit: “Catie believed that education should not be a privilege”, and Catie’s Closet definitely plays a unique and significant role in making sure that everyone has a fair shot at obtaining hope, self-confidence, and a good education.

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